Samedi 5 avril 2014

Super Spéciale : Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi


Après deux jours de vérifications, les équipages du team Xtremeplus Polaris Factory Team trépignent un peu et veulent prendre le large vers le grand désert. Ce matin, ils ont assisté au briefing donné par le directeur sportif, Ronan Morgan, au circuit Yas Marina et cet après-midi, heureux, ils ont pu enfin revêtir leur combinaison et prendre le départ… mais pour seulement deux kilomètres de Super Spéciale qui détermine leur position de départ demain matin.

Le petit parcours est tracé, tout à côté du circuit Yas Marina, sur une piste relativement glissante. Comme toujours, il n’y a rien à gagner sur ce genre de prologue mais Alle Fogliani se classe 36e en 2’40.42 et Jes Munk, 41e en 2’52.24.


Alle et Pietro Fogliani n°348 : « Je me suis bien amusé, raconte Alle Fogliani, et je pense avoir fait un bon temps même si je sais que ce n’est pas important. Le RZR est amusant à piloter aussi sur la piste. Je n’arrivais pas à glisser car j’étais tout de suite arrêté par les ornières creusées par les autres concurrents. Mon père me criait tout le temps : freine, freine, continue-t-il en riant, et moi, je m’étais du gaz ! »


Jes Munk / Sébastien Delaunay n°347 : « Enfin, je suis de retour en rallye, s’écrie Jes Munk à l’arrivée de cette petite Super Spéciale. C’était très amusant malgré que la piste était glissante car faite de graviers recouverts de sable. J’ai essayé de trouver les bonnes trajectoires et d’écouter ce que me disait Seb… J’attends maintenant avec impatience demain, la première vraie spéciale, le sable et les premières dunes ! »


Demain, première spéciale de 290 km qui emmènera les concurrents au bivouac de Qasr Al Sarab.


Pour suivre le rallye en live : http://abudhabidesertchallenge.com/2014_Results.aspx


Plus de photos et d’informations sur le www.xtremeplus.fr (Français et Anglais)

Suivez le team Xtremeplus Polaris Factory Team sur Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/infoxtremeplus?ref=hl



Saturday, April 5, 2014

After two days of technical and administrative checks, the Xtremeplus Polaris Factory Team crews are impatiently waiting to jump into the desert. This morning, they attended the driver´s briefing given by the Sports Director of the race, Ronan Morgan, at the Yas Marina circuit and this afternoon, they were glad to get into their driving suits and finally take the start… but only for two kilometers of the Super Special that defines the starting order for tomorrow morning.
The short circuit was traced on a slippery track. As always, there is nothing to win in this kind of racing track. Alle Fogliani was 36th in 2’40.42 and Jes Munk 41th in 2’52.24.
Alle et Pietro Fogliani N°348: “I had fun and I think I made a good timing even if I know it’s not that important. The RZR is fun to drive also in the track. I didn’t slide because I was stopped by the holes made by other competitors. My dad was yelling all the time: hit the brakes! Hit the brakes! And I would continue to accelerate,” says while Alle laughing.
Jes Munk / Sebastian Delaunay N°347: “I am finally back to cross country rally,” shouts out Jes Munk at the arrival of the Super Special. “It was so much fun, even if the track was slippery because of the gravel covered by the sand. I tried to find the right path and listen to what Seb was saying… I am impatiently waiting for tomorrow, the first real special stage, the sand and the first dunes!”
Tomorrow, the first special of 290 km will take competitors to the bivouac of Qasr Al Sarab.
To follow the rally live, please go to : http://abudhabidesertchallenge.com/2014_Results.aspx
More pictures and information about in our website www.xtremeplus.fr (French & English)
Follow the Xtremeplus Polaris Factory Team on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/infoxtremeplus?ref=hl

Saturday, April 5, 2014

After two days of technical and administrative checks, the Xtremeplus Polaris Factory Team crews are impatiently waiting to jump into the desert. This morning, they attended the driver´s briefing given by the Sports Director of the race, Ronan Morgan, at the Yas Marina circuit and this afternoon, they were glad to get into their driving suits and finally take the start… but only for two kilometers of the Super Special that defines the starting order for tomorrow morning.
The short circuit was traced on a slippery track. As always, there is nothing to win in this kind of racing track. Alle Fogliani was 36th in 2’40.42 and Jes Munk 41th in 2’52.24.
Alle et Pietro Fogliani N°348: “I had fun and I think I made a good timing even if I know it’s not that important. The RZR is fun to drive also in the track. I didn’t slide because I was stopped by the holes made by other competitors. My dad was yelling all the time: hit the brakes! Hit the brakes! And I would continue to accelerate,” says while Alle laughing.
Jes Munk / Sebastian Delaunay N°347: “I am finally back to cross country rally,” shouts out Jes Munk at the arrival of the Super Special. “It was so much fun, even if the track was slippery because of the gravel covered by the sand. I tried to find the right path and listen to what Seb was saying… I am impatiently waiting for tomorrow, the first real special stage, the sand and the first dunes!”
Tomorrow, the first special of 290 km will take competitors to the bivouac of Qasr Al Sarab.
To follow the rally live, please go to : http://abudhabidesertchallenge.com/2014_Results.aspx 
More pictures and information about in our website www.xtremeplus.fr (French & English)
Follow the Xtremeplus Polaris Factory Team on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/infoxtremeplus?ref=hl