Dakar 2015
Wednesday, January 14
Stage 10: Calama – Cachi
Road connection: 385 km – Selective Section: 368 km – Road connection: 116 km – Total: 859 km
After the rest day, car competitors expected a hard special stage, but this one was relatively easy, but way too fast. Before arriving to the start of the timed section, all competitors had to cross the Andes Mountains through the Paso Jama at 4,800 meters above sea level and cross the frontier to get to Argentina.
Willy Alcaraz, in spite of the handicap of the high altitude and the top speed, finishes 59 and keeps heading the T3 class.
“This was not a special stage for us, it was way too fast, not interesting and at the moment I could have attacked, there were tons of trucks. I was going full gas all the time, except for the last 50 km that required some steering. Besides, the special stage took place at 3,500 meters above sea level so the engine was in lack of oxygen.
I finished the stage and the RZR had no troubles, everything is perfect. Except that during the road connection to Salta, it would not stop raining, the roads were flooded and I am completely wet!”
Tomorrow competitors will face a stage that will arrive to Termas Rio Hondo, with 520 km.