Returned from Dakar, Marco Piana is already organizing the next event – the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge, from the 3rd to the 10th of April – with the participation of two Polaris RZR 900. The first of these two teams is a biker converted on four wheels: Jes Munk. The Dane grievously injured in 2012 on the Aveyronnaise Classic is fit again and launch a new challenge : to participate in Dakar in 2015 driving a RZR alone. To begin learning 4×4, Jes will taste with joy the dunes of Abu Dhabi.
The second crew, and Pietro Alessandro Fogliani, comes from the Cross Country Rallies race truck – for father, Pietro – Motocross and Scooter – for the son, Ale – 20 years old. The two Italians will share the wheel to let Alessandro learning navigation.
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