Mercredi 9 avril 2014

4e Spéciale : Qasr Al Sarab – Qasr Al Sarab

Liaison : 127,81 km – Spéciale : 239,68 km – Liaison : 11,20 km – Total : 378,69 km




Le soleil est déjà haut dans le ciel quand les autos prennent le départ de l’avant-dernière spéciale de l’Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge longue de près de 240 km. À l’arrivée, les deux équipages Xtremeplus Polaris sont éprouvés tant il fait chaud dans le désert d’abu Dhabi et que le parcours est difficile. Cette fois, c’est Jes Munk, navigué par Sébastien Delaunay, qui arrive le premier au bivouac de Qasr Al Sarab et se classe 14e de la spéciale tandis que les Fogliani, père et fils, terminent 17es.


Jes Munk / Sébastien Delaunay n°347 – 14es de la Spéciale et 15es au général : « C’était dur aujourd’hui, confirme Jes Munk, vraiment dur mais c’est bon d’être de retour à rouler avec des conditions extrêmes. Je suis content car aujourd’hui, nous avons bien marché malgré un  »plantage » (ensablement dans le jargon des rallyes) parce que je parlais à Seb et que je me suis déconcentré 30’… J’apprends, à chaque kilomètre, j’apprends…

J’ai tenté de préserver la voiture et les pneus et de ne pas être trop agressif, ne pas dépasser les limites même si Seb m’a dit que j’avais utilisé mon joker aujourd’hui en plantant le RZR sur le nez en bas d’une dune ! Ceci dit, je suis content d’avoir fait un bon temps et une belle place alors que de nombreux concurrents sont encore sur le parcours. »


Alle et Pietro Fogliani n°348 – 17es de la Spéciale et 14es au général : « Ce fut une spéciale dure et difficile, commente Alesandro en descendant de son RZR. Je me suis planté une fois car nous étions trop gonflé. Nous avons perdu un peu de temps mais ensuite, après avoir dégonflé, cela a bien marché. À cause des températures très élevées, nous avons aussi failli avoir un problème avec un fusible mais nous avons pu le changer à temps. »


Demain, la dernière spéciale du rallye emmène les concurrents vers Abu Dhabi.






Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Stage 4: Qars Al Sarab – Qasr Al Sarab

Road connection: 127.81 km – Special Stage: 239.68  km – Road Connection : 11.20 km – Total 378.69 km.



The sun is up high when the cars take the start of the stage of the fourth stage of the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge, of 240 km. At the finish line, the two Xtremeplus Polaris teams are tired due to  the high temperature and the difficulties of the stage. This time, Jes Munk, navigated by Sebastian Delaunay, arrived first to the bivouac of Qart Al Sarab and reaches the 14th place of the stage while the Foglianis finished 17th.

Jes Munk / Sebastian Delaunay N°347 – 14th of today´s stage and 15 overall: “It was hard today, very difficult, but it´s fun to be back and to drive in extreme conditions. I am happy because today everything worked well, except that I got stuck once, because I was talking to Seb and I was not concentrated for 30 second. I keep learning kilometer after kilometer.

I try to preserve the car and the tires and avoid being aggressive, not to overcome the limits, even if Seb told me to use my joker today and I got the RZR stuck in the sand from the nose. With that said, I am glad to have made a good score while many competitors are still on the tracks.”

Alle and Pietro Fogliani N°348 – 17th of the day and 14th overall. “It was a very difficult special” says Alessandro as he comes out of the RZR. “I got stuck  because the tires had too much pressure. We lost some minutes and then, after taking pressure out, everything worked better. Because of the high temperatures, we also have a problem with a fuse, but we were able to change it on time.”

Tomorrow, the last special of the rally will take competitors back to Abu Dhabi.



Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Stage 4: Qars Al Sarab – Qasr Al Sarab

Road connection: 127.81 km – Special Stage: 239.68  km – Road Connection : 11.20 km – Total 378.69 km.



The sun is up high when the cars take the start of the stage of the fourth stage of the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge, of 240 km. At the finish line, the two Xtremeplus Polaris teams are tired due to  the high temperature and the difficulties of the stage. This time, Jes Munk, navigated by Sebastian Delaunay, arrived first to the bivouac of Qart Al Sarab and reaches the 14th place of the stage while the Foglianis finished 17th.

Jes Munk / Sebastian Delaunay N°347 – 14th of today´s stage and 15 overall: “It was hard today, very difficult, but it´s fun to be back and to drive in extreme conditions. I am happy because today everything worked well, except that I got stuck once, because I was talking to Seb and I was not concentrated for 30 second. I keep learning kilometer after kilometer.

I try to preserve the car and the tires and avoid being aggressive, not to overcome the limits, even if Seb told me to use my joker today and I got the RZR stuck in the sand from the nose. With that said, I am glad to have made a good score while many competitors are still on the tracks.”

Alle and Pietro Fogliani N°348 – 17th of the day and 14th overall. “It was a very difficult special” says Alessandro as he comes out of the RZR. “I got stuck twice because the tires had too much pressure. We lost some minutes and then, after taking pressure out, everything worked better. Because of the high temperatures, we also have a problem with a fuse, but we were able to change it on time.”

Tomorrow, the last special of the rally will take competitors back to Abu Dhabi.