Dimanche 6 avril 2014

1ère Spéciale : Abu Dhabi – Qasr Al Sarab

Spéciale : 290 km




Cette première spéciale emmène les concurrents de la Yas Marina d’Abu Dhabi jusqu’au bivouac de Qasr Al Sarab, au sud, dans le désert.

Au menu du jour, dunes et pistes rapides…

Parties peu après 10h, les autos ont très vite rencontré des températures élevées et nombreux sont les concurrents qui ont déjà souffert dans ce premier secteur sélectif. À 17h, les deux RZR étaient arrivés malgré quelques mésaventures.


Alle et Pietro Fogliani n°348 – 16es de la Spéciale : « C’est ma première vraie spéciale et je me suis ensablé une fois car j’ai trop freiné. Mon père a dû sortir et pelleter puis me pousser… La voiture a bien marché mais à 100 km de l’arrivée, la jauge me donnait zéro d’autonomie. J’ai d’abord ralenti puis nous avons décidé de continuer et il semble que c’était un bug électronique. »


Jes Munk / Sébastien Delaunay n°347 – 24es de la Spéciale : « Je me suis vraiment amusé dans les dunes, commente Jes Munk. Mais nous avons connu un problème de température sur la fin et nous avons dû changer la courroie. Au début, de la spéciale, nous avons doublé Alle et Petro, puis ils nous ont passé quand je me suis ensablé… Ensuite, ce fut leur tour de pelleter et nous sommes repassé devant jusqu’à ce que l’on doive mécaniquer. Je continue l’apprentissage du 4 roues et j’espère que demain, il y aura plus de dunes et moins de pistes rapides qui nous pénalisent fortement. »


Demain, la deuxième spéciale, en boucle, est longue de 269 km.




Sunday, April 6, 2014

Stage 1: Abu Dhabi – Qasr Al Sarab

SS: 290 km


This first special took competitors from Yas Marina in Abu Dhabi to the bivouac of Qasr Al Sarab in the middle of the desert.

The menu of the day was composed of dunes and fast tracks…

Started at 10 am this morning, the cars quickly faced high temperatures and many competitors suffered in this first selective section. At 5 pm, the two RZR were at the arrival in spite of some difficulties.

Alle and Pietro Fogliani N° 348 – 17th : “It was my very first special stage and I got stuck in the sand because I used the brakes too much. My dad had to take the shovels out and push the car… The RZR worked well, but at 100 km from the finish line, the gauge gave zero autonomy.  I first went slower and then I decided to keep on going because it seemed like an electrical problem.”

Jes Munk / Sebastien Delaunay N°347 – 25th : “I had so much fun in the dunes, but we faced problems with temperature and at the end of the special we have to change the belt. At the beginning of the special stage we had passed Alle and Pietro, but then, they took over of us when I got stuck in the sand… Then, it was their turn to take out the shovels and we ahead of  them until we had to do some mechanics. I keep learning about being on 4 wheels and I hope tomorrow will have more dunes and less fat tracks that penalize us strongly.”

Tomorrow, the second special stage is a 269 km loop



Sunday, April 6, 2014

Stage 1: Abu Dhabi – Qasr Al Sarab

SS: 290 km


This first special took competitors from Yas Marina in Abu Dhabi to the bivouac of Qasr Al Sarab in the middle of the desert.

The menu of the day was composed of dunes and fast tracks…

Started at 10 am this morning, the cars quickly faced high temperatures and many competitors suffered in this first selective section. At 5 pm, the two RZR were at the arrival in spite of some difficulties.

Alle and Pietro Fogliani N° 348 – 17th : “It was my very first special stage and I got stuck in the sand because I used the brakes too much. My dad had to take the shovels out and push the car… The RZR worked well, but at 100 km from the finish line, the gauge gave zero autonomy.  I first went slower and then I decided to keep on going because it seemed like an electrical problem.”

Jes Munk / Sebastien Delaunay N°347 – 25th : “I had so much fun in the dunes, but we faced problems with temperature and at the end of the special we have to change the belt. At the beginning of the special stage we had passed Alle and Pietro, but then, they took over of us when I got stuck in the sand… Then, it was their turn to take out the shovels and we ahead of  them until we had to do some mechanics. I keep learning about being on 4 wheels and I hope tomorrow will have more dunes and less fat tracks that penalize us strongly.”

Tomorrow, the second special stage is a 269 km loop