DAKAR 2017

Mercredi, 11 janvier 2017. 8e étape : Uyuni (Bolivie) – Salta (Argentine) – Chilecito Liaison : 400 km – Spéciale : 492 km – Liaison 330 km – Liaison : 675 km – Total : 1897 km

Spéciale Oruro-La Paz annulée, celles de La Paz-Uyuni et Uyuni-Salta raccourcies… on dirait bien que la Pachamama (La Terre Mère) se rebelle et veut rendre ce Dakar 2017 encore plus compliqué. Après l’étape marathon, le Dakar est rentré en Argentine mais les intempéries continuent et les pluies diluviennes ont emporté une partie d’un village et formé un lac de boue sur la route à 23 km de Tilcara. Du coup, la caravane entière du Dakar, assistance et concurrents, s’est retrouvée bloquée à Tilcara, charmant petite bourgade touristique. Après quelques heures, l’organisation a laissé partir sur une piste ralliant Purmamarca à San Antonio de Los Cobres puis à Salta, une partie des assistances (4×4 et 6×6) et les concurrents mais non les Mobil Homes et autres véhicules avec remorque ou sans traction… Plus tard, ils autorisèrent que l’assistance se fasse sur place et que les concurrents dorment à Tilcara pour des raisons de sécurité. Le Dakar fut donc divisé en deux mais la belle spéciale « Super Belen » de Salta à Chilecito est annulée et tout le monde part à Chilecito par la route. Arrivés vers 23h, les équipages sont arrivés au bivouac Xtremeplus improvisé dans l’enceinte d’une société privée à Tilcara. Le premier étant Ravil Maganov n°378 : « Aujourd’hui, ce n’était que pluie, cailloux et boue… s’exclame-t-il ! Mais tout a bien marché pour nous sur cette étape marathon. » Deuxièmes à Tilcara, les Brésiliens Leandro Torres et Lourival Roldan n°351sont heureux de retrouver leur motorhome. « J’avais 2h30 d’avance sur Mao, raconte Leandro Torres, mais, lors du parc fermé à Uyuni, j’ai lancé mon camel bag par-dessus la barrière à mon frère et un commissaire m’a vu, j’ai pris une heure de pénalité. Mais bon, je suis toujours devant avec 1h30… » Mao Rujin et Sébastien Delaunay ont connu des problèmes d’essoufflement de moteur en altitude tandis que les deux autres équipages chinois sont arrivés sans encombre.


•Mao Rujin/Sébastien Delaunay n°342

•Leandro Torres/Lourival Roldan n°351

•Li Dongsheng/Quanqian Guan n°374

•Maganov Ravil/Kirill Shubin n°378

•Wang Fujiang/Li Wei n°386

DAKAR 2017



Stage 8: Uyuni (Bolivia) – Salta (Argentina) – Chilecito (Argentina)

Liaison: 400 km -Special stage: 492 km – Liaison: 330 km – Liaison: 675 km – Total: 1897 km

The special stage Oruro – La Paz was cancelled, and those of La Paz – Uyuni and Uyuni – Salta were shortened… We´d say that Pachamama (mother Earth) and makes the Dakar even more difficult. After the Marathon Stage, the Dakar is back in Argentina, but the water continues to fall and heavy rains caused a mud slide that took away part of a village and created a mud lake on the road, 23 km from Tilcara. So, the entire Dakar, assistance cars and competitors, were blocked in Tilcara, a small touristy village. After some hours, the organization allowed to continue the way to the next bivouac through Pumamarca to San Antonio de Los Cobres and then Salta, part of the Service cars (4×4 and 6×6) but competitors not their motorhomes nor other vehicles without 2 or 4wd… Then, they authorized assistance to take place and competitors slept in Tilcara for safety reasons.

The Dakar then was divided in two, but the special stage “super Belen” from Salta to Chilecito was cancelled and everyone is joining Chilecito by the road.

Arrived at 11 pm, the crews arrived to the improvised bivouac that Xtremeplus put in Tilcara. The first to arrive was Ravil Maganov #378: _“Today, it was only rain, stones and mud! Says Ravil. But everything Works well for us in this marathon stage.!”_

Second to arrive to Tilcara were the Brazilian team composed of Leandro Torres and Lourival Roldan #351 are happy to get to their motorhome. _“I had 2h30 time ahead of Mao, but at the parc fermé in Uyuni, I threw my camel bag to my brother over the fence and a steward saw me and I took a one-hour penalty. Well, I am still 1h30 ahead!”_

Mao Rujin and Sebastien Delaunay had some engine troubles in high altitude, while the other two Chinese teams arrived without difficulties.

Follow the crews on http://www.DAKAR.COM

Mao Rujin/Sébastien Delaunay #342:

Leandro Torres/Lourival Roldan #351:

Li Dongsheng/Quanqian Guan #374:

Maganov Ravil/Kirill Shubin #378:

Wang Fujiang/Li Wei #386:

DAKAR 2017

Stage 8: Uyuni (Bolivia) – Salta (Argentina) – Chilecito (Argentina)

Liaison: 400 km -Special stage: 492 km – Liaison: 330 km – Liaison: 675 km – Total: 1897 km

The special stage Oruro – La Paz was cancelled, and those of La Paz – Uyuni and Uyuni – Salta were shortened… We´d say that Pachamama (mother Earth) and makes the Dakar even more difficult. After the Marathon Stage, the Dakar is back in Argentina, but the water continues to fall and heavy rains caused a mud slide that took away part of a village and created a mud lake on the road, 23 km from Tilcara. So, the entire Dakar, assistance cars and competitors, were blocked in Tilcara, a small touristy village. After some hours, the organization allowed to continue the way to the next bivouac through Pumamarca to San Antonio de Los Cobres and then Salta, part of the Service cars (4×4 and 6×6) but competitors not their motorhomes nor other vehicles without 2 or 4wd… Then, they authorized assistance to take place and competitors slept in Tilcara for safety reasons.

The Dakar then was divided in two, but the special stage “super Belen” from Salta to Chilecito was cancelled and everyone is joining Chilecito by the road.

Arrived at 11 pm, the crews arrived to the improvised bivouac that Xtremeplus put in Tilcara. The first to arrive was Ravil Maganov #378: _“Today, it was only rain, stones and mud! Says Ravil. But everything Works well for us in this marathon stage.!”_

Second to arrive to Tilcara were the Brazilian team composed of Leandro Torres and Lourival Roldan #351 are happy to get to their motorhome. _“I had 2h30 time ahead of Mao, but at the parc fermé in Uyuni, I threw my camel bag to my brother over the fence and a steward saw me and I took a one-hour penalty. Well, I am still 1h30 ahead!”_

Mao Rujin and Sebastien Delaunay had some engine troubles in high altitude, while the other two Chinese teams arrived without difficulties.

Follow the crews on http://www.DAKAR.COM

Mao Rujin/Sébastien Delaunay #342:

Leandro Torres/Lourival Roldan #351:

Li Dongsheng/Quanqian Guan #374:

Maganov Ravil/Kirill Shubin #378:

Wang Fujiang/Li Wei #386: