DAKAR 2017

Mercredi, 4 janvier 2017.

3e étape : San Miguel de Tucuman – San Salvador de Jujuy
Liaison : 416 km – Spéciale : 364 km – Total : 780 km

Décidément, Marc Coma, directeur sportif, avait raison, ce sera un Dakar dur et non pas une promenade de santé. Pour cette 3e étape divisée en deux parties séparée par une neutralisation de 124 km, l’équipe Xtremeplus en a vu de toutes les couleurs : températures caniculaires, fesh-fesh, boue, pour terminer par des grêlons à 5000 mètres d’altitude ! Et cette fois encore, ce sont les « anciens », Leandro Torres et Mao Rujin, ayant tous deux terminé le Dakar 2016, qui sortent leur épingle du jeu.

Arrivé à minuit, Mao Rujin #342, navigué par Sébastien Delaunay, est le premier de la troupe à rallier le bivouac de San Salvador de Jujuy heureux d’avoir géré cette étape intelligemment. Même scénario pour Leandro Torres et Lourival Roldan #351 qui n’ont connu aucun souci et remportent la spéciale des SSV avec 6’42 d’avance sur Mao Rujin qui garde la tête du classement général avec 1h56’39 d’avance sur son rival brésilien.

Pour  Ravil Maganov et Kirill Shubin #378, vainqueurs de la première spéciale, ce fut à nouveau une journée difficile et, après avoir crevé et cassé la direction assistée, ils sont arrivés à 3h du matin au camion Xtremeplus, exténués.

L’équipage chinois Li Dongsheng/Quanqian Guan #374 ont souffert dans la spéciale mais n’ont pas connu de gros problèmes, ce qui ne fut pas le cas du #386 Wang Fujiang/Li Wei qui se sont fait emboutir l’arrière du RZR par un camion ! Plus de peur que de mal mais du plastic, de la ferraille et un câble d’accélérateur tordu à réparer.

Sur les 8 SSV engagés, il n’en reste, après la troisième étape que 6 dont 5 Polaris RZR 1000XT+30 !!

Ce matin à 6h, les mécanos d’Xtremeplus Polaris Factory Team étaient encore au travail… La 4e étape traverse la frontière et arrive à Tupiza, en Bolivie.

•Mao Rujin/Sébastien Delaunay n°342 :
•Leandro Torres/Lourival Roldan n°351:
•Li Dongsheng/Quanqian Guan n°374 :
•Maganov Ravil/Kirill Shubin n°378:
•Wang Fujiang/Li Wei n°386 :

DAKAR 2017

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Liaison 416 km – Special stage: 364 km – Total: 780 km
Marc Coma, sports director of the Dakar, was absolutely right: This Dakar’s edition is very difficult and doesn´t have anything of a nice and easy drive. For this third stage, divided in two sectors separated by a neutralized section of 124 km, the Xtremeplus’ crews saw everything: high temperatures, fesh fesh, mud and hail at 5,000 meters above sea level! And this time again, it is the “oldest”, Leandro Torres and Mao Rujin, both Dakar 2016 finishers, take the lead in the game.
Mao Rujin, navigated by Sebastian Delaunay with #342, is the first of the bunch to arrive to the bivouac in San Salvador de Jujuy, glad that he managed the stage with the brains. Same scenario for Leandro Torres and Lourival Roldan in #351, had a smooth timed section and collected the stage win with the SSV 6’42 ahead of Mao Rujin, who keeps the overall lead on his Brazilian rival.
Ravil Maganov and Kirill Shubin #378, winners of stage 1, had another difficult day and after a puncture and breaking the power steering, they arrived with the Xtremeplus truck at 3 am, exhausted.
The Chinese team of Li Dong/Quanqian Guan in #374 suffered in the special stage, but did not face any monumental problems, which was not the case for #386 of Wang Fujian/Li Wei, which was rear ended by a truck. The scare was bigger than the damage, which consisted on plastic, broken pieces, an accelerator cable that had to be repaired.
After stage 3, only six out of the eight SSV that took the start of the Dakar 2007 continue in the race. Five of them are the Polaris RZR 1000XT+30!!
This morning, Xtremeplus Polaris Factory Team’s mechanics were still at work… Stage 4 arrives to Tupiza in Bolivia.
Follow Xtremeplur Polaris Factory team on www.dakar.com
Mao Rujin/Sebastien Delaunay #342:
Leandro Torres/Lourival Roldan #351:
Li Dongsheng/ Quanqian Guan 3374:
Maganov Ravil/Kirill Shubin #378:
Wang Fujiang/Li Wei #386:

DAKAR 2017

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Liaison 416 km – Special stage: 364 km – Total: 780 km
Marc Coma, sports director of the Dakar, was absolutely right: This Dakar’s edition is very difficult and doesn´t have anything of a nice and easy drive. For this third stage, divided in two sectors separated by a neutralized section of 124 km, the Xtremeplus’ crews saw everything: high temperatures, fesh fesh, mud and hail at 5,000 meters above sea level! And this time again, it is the “oldest”, Leandro Torres and Mao Rujin, both Dakar 2016 finishers, take the lead in the game.
Mao Rujin, navigated by Sebastian Delaunay with #342, is the first of the bunch to arrive to the bivouac in San Salvador de Jujuy, glad that he managed the stage with the brains. Same scenario for Leandro Torres and Lourival Roldan in #351, had a smooth timed section and collected the stage win with the SSV 6’42 ahead of Mao Rujin, who keeps the overall lead on his Brazilian rival.
Ravil Maganov and Kirill Shubin #378, winners of stage 1, had another difficult day and after a puncture and breaking the power steering, they arrived with the Xtremeplus truck at 3 am, exhausted.
The Chinese team of Li Dong/Quanqian Guan in #374 suffered in the special stage, but did not face any monumental problems, which was not the case for #386 of Wang Fujian/Li Wei, which was rear ended by a truck. The scare was bigger than the damage, which consisted on plastic, broken pieces, an accelerator cable that had to be repaired.
After stage 3, only six out of the eight SSV that took the start of the Dakar 2007 continue in the race. Five of them are the Polaris RZR 1000XT+30!!
This morning, Xtremeplus Polaris Factory Team’s mechanics were still at work… Stage 4 arrives to Tupiza in Bolivia.
Follow Xtremeplur Polaris Factory team on www.dakar.com
Mao Rujin/Sebastien Delaunay #342:
Leandro Torres/Lourival Roldan #351:
Li Dongsheng/ Quanqian Guan 3374:
Maganov Ravil/Kirill Shubin #378:
Wang Fujiang/Li Wei #386: